Elden Ring Players Have Died More Times In Its First Year Than People Are Living On Earth

Over one billion fatal falls!

Bandai Namco is (somewhat belatedly) celebrating the one year anniversary of the release of FromSoftware’s award-winning RPG with some incredibly interesting stats from the game’s first 12 months on the market.

Leading the report is the reveal that players have attempted the game’s boss fights a collective 5.9 billion times, with the top most-attempted fight naturally being that against Malenia, Blade of Miquella. Margit the Fell Omen, Limgrave Tree Sentinel, Radagon of the Golden Order and Starscourge Radahn all lead the rest of the top five in order.

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Probably the most interesting stat though, is the reveal that players have died over 9 billion times in totality, which accounts for more deaths than the Earth currently has a living population (currently sitting at around 8 billion). Of those deaths, 69% were to enemies and NPCS (nice), 15% to status effects (seriously, fuck Caelid), 14% were falls to the death and just 2% were at the hands of another player.

Elsewhere, it was revealed that a whopping 88% of player summons were for co-op play rather than an invasion, which is heartening to see. “Rock Sling” was the most-cast spell in the game, and Blessing of the Erdtree was the most-acquired incantation.

You can look at the full report below via Bandai Namco:

“To celebrate ELDEN RING’s 1 year anniversary, and the millions of fans all over the world who explore the Lands Between, we’ve compiled some interesting and fun game stats for you! This infographic highlights stats around many of ELDEN RING’s most iconic and challenging bosses. It’s clear to see from the stats that ELDEN RING isn’t for the weak at heart — it’s a difficult and challenging game — but for those who persevere and hone their craft, they understand that victory is the sweetest revenge! Wear your battle scars with pride, and long live the Elden Lords!?”

Recently, Bandai Namco announced the first major Elden Ring expansion, called Shadow of the Erdtree.

The announcement was made in a Tweet with very little fanfare, simply reading:

Rise, Tarnished, and let us walk a new path together. An upcoming expansion for Elden Ring, Shadow of the Erdtree, is currently in development. We hope you look forward to new adventures in the Lands Between.”