In an interview with Game Informer, Shannon Loftis, the GM of Microsoft’s Global Games Publishing spoken a little bit more (without revealing too much) about why Scalebound was cancelled.
When asked about how close Scalebound was to being completed when the decision made to cancel it, Loftis basically said that they weren’t talking about the state of the game before going into how if a game doesn’t meet one of three certain criteria, then they’ll look to cancel it.
“We’re not really talking about the state of the game. It was an incredibly difficult decision to make to discontinue it. Platinum is an amazing, incredibly talented developer.
When we make game decisions, we ask ourselves: Is this the right game? Is it the right experience? Is it the right time? And unless we can answer yes to all three, we won’t continue on with a development cycle.” said Loftis
Loftis also spoke about the current state of Platinum Games including their success with Nier: Automara.
“And you know, Platinum is obviously doing great. They came out with Nier: Automata, and I thought that was an incredible game, and I’m super excited to see what they do next.” said Loftis
Honestly, the entire chat is fascinating. Loftis speaks about the future of Xbox and why some pretty important decisions about the Xbox One X were made. She also speaks about the first party offering as a whole. You can find the entire chat on Game Informer RIGHT HERE.