ps studios

PlayStation Has Delayed Half Of Its Planned Live Service Games

And then there were six.

PlayStation has again spoken to its plans for a sizeable push into the live service game market in its most recent financial report and earnings call, confirming that it’s still working on releasing a total of 12 “live service” titles, though it’s updated its forecast from having all 12 out in the market by March 2026 to just six.

This news comes after Sony’s acquisition of Bungie reportedly led to the two working together to go over the portfolio and, according to reports, reassessing some its titles. Bungie was also the subject of a round of layoffs recently with around 100 employees at the studio let go and the release of Destiny 2’s Final Shape expansion potentially pushed back.

During the earnings call, Sony’s president Hiroki Totoki essentially confirmed that some of its planned games had been pushed back, implying that quality concerns had been the deciding factor.

“We are reviewing this… we are trying as much as possible to ensure [these games] are enjoyed and liked by gamers for a long time,” Totoki said (thanks VGC). “Of the 12 titles, six titles will be released by FY25 – that’s our current plan. As for the remaining six titles, we are still working on that.

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“That’s the total number of live service and multiplayers titles, mid-to-long-term we want to [push] this kind of service and that’s the unchanged policy of the company. It’s not like we stick to certain titles, but game quality should be the most important.”

One of the titles in question is the troubled multiplayer The Last of Us game, which is believed to have been scaled back and/or slowed down after its direction was “re-evaluated.” We also know about an online multiplayer title set in the Horizon universe, Fairgame$ from Jade Raymond’s new studio Haven, as well as another new IP from London Studio.