kupocon melbourne

KupoCon Is Bringing Its Global Final Fantasy Fan Event To Melbourne In 2024


KupoCon, the globe-trotting Final Fantasy convention run by fans, for fans, has announced that it’s coming to Melbourne in 2024.

Established in 2016, the community-led event has quickly boomed in popularity and held its celebration of the mammoth franchise in over a dozen cities in the US and UK, but this marks its first trip to the Southern Hemisphere.

While this isn’t a Square Enix-endorsed event it’s had a huge amount of success and is billed as an intimate, immersive, and inclusive environment that’s more “fan celebration” than convention while still featuring the con staples like an artist alley and cosplay contests.

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More information on the venue and ticketing is expected mid-next year, but if you’re keen to know more about the event itself you can head over to the official website.