Days Gone

Days Gone 2 Seems Unlikely After Sony Turned It Down

According to the same Bloomberg report informing of us PlayStation’s intention to remake The Last of Us, Days Gone wasn’t green lit for a sequel when Bend Studio pitched it back in 2019, despite the original being profitable.

“Although the first game had been profitable, its development had been lengthy and critical reception was mixed, so a Days Gone 2 wasn’t seen as a viable option,” said Jason Schreier in the report.

Instead, one team from within Bend is currently helping Naughty Dog develop a multiplayer title, while another team had been assigned to work on a brand new Uncharted title under the guidance of Naughty Dog. Unfortunately, their work on the project ceased when studio management, fearing absorption into Naughty Dog, asked to be taken off the project.

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Bend are now working on a new IP of their own.

Eurogamer reported that, according to sources familiar to the project, Bend’s entry in the Uncharted franchise was intended to be a new chapter, a soft reboot even, separate from Naughty Dog’s previous work.