Sucker Punch Says Ghost Of Tsushima’s Latest Patch Will Be Its Last

Sucker Punch Productions has just pushed Ghost of Tsushima Patch 2.18 out into the world and, if a slightly heart-warming message included at the end of the patch notes is to be believed, it looks to be the last major update that the game will receive.

Among a host of updates to the game’s multiplayer Legends mode and just a couple of minor fixes for its core single-player component, the studio left the following message inside the full patch notes (which you can read here):

“While we aren’t actively working on any additional patches at the moment, we will continue to monitor feedback on the community-run Gotlegends subreddit and messages sent to @SuckerPunchProd on Twitter for any high priority bugs or issues that emerge. We want to say a huge THANK YOU to the entire community for the incredible amount of support and feedback we’ve gotten since launch. When Legends launched in October 2020, we never expected to have such an active community more than a year and a half later, and we could not be more thankful to everyone who has been with us on this journey!”

This of course doesn’t mean that smaller hotfixes won’t appear in future for unforeseen issues that arise, but as far as Sucker Punch is concerned they are finally done with polishing up the game post-launch.

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In other Ghost of Tsushima news, the upcoming movie adaptation has found its screenwriter. Amazon also currently has the Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut for a decent price on PS4 (with PS5 upgrade available).