no paper

This Switch Game Turns Your Bog Roll Into A Controller

Nintendo Lav-o

And you thought the Power Glove was the shittiest Nintendo controller ever conceived.

A game that launched recently on the Nintendo Switch eShop, titled Give me toilet paper!, has captured both the bottoms of our hearts and the hearts of our bottoms with its TP-tinged twist on motion controls.

The game asks players to shove a single Joy-Con controller into their nearest – preferably unused – roll of Quilton (Gold 4-Ply with Shea Butter if you have a discerning arse like mine) and balance it atop a large piece of cardboard. From here, you’ll use the Joy-Con’s built-in gyro sensors to guide a virtual reel of poop tickets through a series of platforming challenges with the goal to deliver it to a struggling salaryman who’s gone and shidded without first checking he had an adequate supply of pipe wipes first.

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There’s even a nifty little trailer to go along with it (in Japanese):

No Paper! is available on the Aus eShop for a very meagre $6 AUD. You can grab it right here.