Gamers Really Want Animal Crossing To Come To Nintendo Switch

I don’t really know why now is the time, but people really seem to want Nintendo to announce Animal Crossing for Nintendo Switch.

Once Nintendo revealed that they’d be holding a 45 minute Nintendo Direct (tomorrow), fans have been replying with their hope for the announcement to come as soon as tomorrow.

Nintendo Directs are a common occurrence, but it seems to be that people are suddenly really thirsty for a new Animal Crossing game. It’s probably due to the fact that we’re all just realising how brilliant the Switch is for portable gaming, and there’s no better Nintendo franchise than Animal Crossing to take with you on the go.

We already know that Animal Crossing is coming to mobile too, so it does seem unlikely that Nintendo would announce it on Switch before it releases. That is unless they somehow link with each other which is completely possible too.

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I’m pretty sure that we won’t see an announcement tomorrow, but the enthusiasm is sure to push Nintendo to make an announcement in the near future.