Super Mario Odyssey Will Be Cheap At Big W

Big W have come through with the goods for Super Mario Odyssey.

The upcoming Big W catalogue (the same one that has Assassin’s Creed: Origins for cheap) will have Super Mario Odyssey for a remarkably cheap $62. This is cheaper than all other retailers in Australia. Our friends over at Vooks have a scan of the catalogue. 

Similarly, they’ll also have the Super Mario Odyssey for $529 and the Mario, Peach and Bowser Amiibo (Super Mario Odyssey specific) for $17 each. In my opinion, they’re sone of the nicest Amiibo too, so definitely look at picking those up.

It’s hard to believe that Super Mario Odyssey will be out this week. You can pick it up on Nintendo Switch on Friday, October 27th.

Thanks, Vooks.