Titanfall Drops March 13th 2014

The highly anticipated FPS from Respawn Entertainment, Titanfall finally has a release date. You can expect to get Titanfall on March 13th 2014 for the Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. Which is much sooner then I expected personally. Want even more good news?(Not for your Wallet) A collectors edition has been announced to along side it. Take a look!


A picture is all well and good, but what does this collectors edition actually contain? Check out the list below

  • Exclusive collectable 18′ Titan Statue, handcrafted from over 300 individual parts and featuring battery powered LED lighting.
  • Full size, hardcover art book featuring over 190 pages of rare concept art.
  • Exclusive full sized schematic poster of the Atlus Titan
  • Copy of the game
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That’s a mighty fine collectors edition, no? As of right now, the collectors edition hasn’t been listed on retailer sites. Though I wouldn’t expect it sometime over the next few days. Expect your Wallet to be in a clinically depressed state, this bad boy has a whopping price of $499 Australian buckeroos. Better start saving folks.

Titanfall was recently shown at the EBX 2013 in Sydney, check out our interview below!

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