ubisoft game jam

Ubisoft Australia Is Hosting Its First Ever Game Jam For Aussie Uni And TAFE Students


Ubisoft Australia has revealed that it’s hosting its first ever Game Jam, exclusively for Aussie university or TAFE students to get together and collaborate with their peers to craft a unique game in just two weeks and submit them to a vote for the chance to win prizes including Ubisoft games and Collector’s Editions, and a feature on Ubisoft Australia’s socials.

The event will kick off on March 29th, when Ubisoft Aus will announce the theme that Game Jam participants will be working to via its Discord community. Teams of up to six will then have until the end of April 12th to create a game using Unity or Unreal Engine and submit their projects to the event’s itch.io page, which will go to a vote the week of April 13th – April 19th. The results of the Game Jam will be announced publicly on April 27th.

If you’re currently enrolled in a degree with an Australian University or TAFE degree and have a valid .edu email address there’s nothing stopping you from getting involved in a team, no matter your discipline or background, and having a go at this!

You can find the event info on itch.io here and the Ubisoft Australia Game Jam Discord channel right here.